The Hawthorn Open edX Release Plan Will Start This Month

edX finally announced that the Hawthorn Open edX release process will start next week, with the creation of Hawthorn.1 Beta 1.

Before issuing the first release candidate of the Hawthorn code, edX plans to add underpinnings that support the new European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) law, scheduled to take effect on May 25th.

“Once enough GDPR support has landed, we will create the Hawthorn master branches from master, and release a first Hawthorn.1 release candidate,” edX engineer Ned Batchelder explained in the General Open edX discussion forum at Google.

“This means that features can shift or be added between Beta 1 and RC 1.  The Beta will be for testing the general upgrade paths and functionality of the code that has been written since Ginkgo was cut nine months ago.  I want to get that code into testers hands sooner rather than later, even if it means that there could still be significant changes in Hawthorn,” he added.

Another reason for this additional delay has been the upgrade from Django 1.8 to Django 1.11, which has already been completed.

Hawthorn will be the eighth release of the Open edX platform, replacing the existing Ginkgo version. It was scheduled for December 2018, according to the announcement made during the Open edX 2017 Conference in Madrid.