The 2023 Open edX Conference Will Take Place March 28 – 31 at MIT

IBL News | New York

The 2023 Open edX Conference will be celebrated between March 28th and Friday, March 31st, 2023, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, Massachusetts, according to Harvard’s and MIT’s owned tCRIL (The Center for Reimagining Learning) non-profit organization.

The event will be focusing on innovative uses and methods of extending the Open edX Platform along with the latest advancements in instructional design.

In parallel to the announcement, tCRIL — which stewards the Open edX software and community — called for proposals, being the deadline open until January 23rd, 2023.

The names of keynote speakers and conference presenters have not been determined yet.

The 2022 conference in Lisbon, Portugal, attracted over two hundred experts on the Open edX platform.