Mikel Amigot | IBL News, New York
The “Mechanical Ventilation for COVID-19” explanatory course on edX.org has surpassed the 170,00 people enrolled, becoming a reference for licensed medical professionals worldwide.
Developed by Harvard University in conjunction with the American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC) and released on April 6th, this free course now can grant up to three CME (Continuing Medical Education) credit hours to those who complete the course (2 to 5 hours) and pass a brief quiz.
Eligible learners can claim three AMA PRA Category 1 Credit (physicians), nursing CEU credits, or a certificate of attendance for allied health professionals and other learners.
The authors of the course, Dr. Susan Wilcox and Thomas Piraino, are continuously updating the course, given that the subject of mechanical ventilation and the offering of manufacturers are evolving.
In addition to high enrollment, participation in the discussion forum, with clinicians sharing knowledge and tools, has made the course a valuable tool to fight to the COVID-19 pandemic and treat patients developing pneumonia.
“The medical system will need clinicians that can assist in operating mechanical ventilators,” wrote the authors. “We encourage all non-ICU clinicians to consider completing this course, readying themselves to best help their colleagues and patients on the front lines of this virus.”
With 27 million learners, the edX.org learning platform –founded by MIT and Harvard University as a non-profit venture– hosts over 3,000 courses, from over 150 universities, corporations, and business organizations.
• IBL News, April 7: An edX and Harvard Course to Train Clinicians on Mechanical Ventilators for Covid-19