IBL News | New York
With 3,500 tutors providing online tutoring and homework help sessions to students, the New York City-headquartered Tutor.com announced that it reached 21 millionth one-to-one tutoring sessions served since its incorporation in 2000.
The company reported that at peak times, it was serving 7,500 tutoring sessions a day.
As an affiliate of The Princeton Review, Tutor.com powers tutoring and homework help programs for colleges and universities, K–12 school districts, state and local libraries, companies offering employee benefit programs, and agencies like the U.S. Department of Defense Coast Guard Mutual Assistance Program.
It offers 250+ subject offerings, with math remaining the most popular. The next most requested subjects (in order) are English, Science, and Drop-off Writing Review.
“As the pandemic entered its second year, demand for Tutor.com’s services remained strong; during the first six months of 2021, the number of requests for Tutor.com services that the company met was more than 30 percent greater than during the comparable period in 2020,” said the company.