Open edX’s Maple Version of the Platform Includes Advanced Features

IBL News | New York

The Center for Reimagining Learning, Inc. organization — the new non-profit entity of MIT and Harvard that stewards the Open edX software — posted the technical notes and description of features of Maple, the 13th version of the platform released on December 20th. The next version, scheduled for mid-year, will be called Nutmeg.

Maple replaces Lilac, released on July 2021. It includes new features, such as the following:

  • The Learning Micro Frontend (MFE) is now the default course experience for learners, including section effort estimates, learner progress celebrations, and jump navigation.
    The user can see the estimated time to read and watch videos, plus the number of activities, on the course outline.
  • Ability to give users course and library creation rights on a per-organization basis.
  • The jump navigation feature gives learners the ability to jump into any part of the courseware at the click of a button instead of having to navigate manually through units.
  • Mobile app enhancements:
    • Course dates can now sync with a user’s default calendar app.
    • Ability to detect iframe content within the HTML block, giving the user the option to view the iframe content in the mobile browser.
    • The LTI Consumer XBlock is now supported natively in the iOS and Android apps.
  • CourseGraph graphical representation of course data in neo4j popular graph database.
  • Reusable Rubrics: Course staff can now reuse a rubric from an existing ORA.
  • Improvements on course authoring’s common problem editor.
  • The studio is changing to become an OAuth client of LMS, using the same SSO configuration.

For production, along with the native Open edX installation, a dockerized distribution based on Tutor was released.