Georgia Tech’s online master’s degree in computer science –OMSCS for short– continues its successful path, with 6,365 enrolled at the start of the Spring 2018 semester.
This first-of-its-kind program, launched in January 2014, has attracted 10,178 unique enrollments since the launch. Zvi Galil, Dean of Georgia Institute of Technology, disclosed these data during his talk at the 2018 Open edX Conference in Montreal, Canada.
During his keynote, Mr. Galil shared lessons learned running the program which was described by Harvard University researchers as “the first rigorous evidence showing an online degree program can increase educational attainment”.
The program, priced at $6,600, has also paved the way for a number of similar, MOOC-based MS programs.
Zvi Galil’s talk described the OMSCS program, how it came about, its first four years, and what Georgia Tech has learned from the OMSCS experience.