Earn a Certificate on edX's Entrepreneurship 101 Course and Get a $1,000 Credit on AWS

This is an interesting promotion in the MOOCs landscape. Not only you learn, but also you get a cloud service for free.

Any learner who earn a verified certificate in MITx’s Entrepreneurship 101 or Entrepreneurship 102 courses will receive a $1,000 credit for Amazon Web Services (AWS) as well as some training and support on this cloud service.

“Entrepreneurship 101” is great edX course directed by Bill Aulet, managing director of the Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship. Founders behind start-ups such as HubSpot, FINsix, Oscomp Systems, Lank and other took the course while studying at MIT.  As the course states, “the 25,600 companies started by MIT alumni generate $2 trillion in revenue and have created 3.3 million jobs”. “If MIT were a country, it would be the 11th largest economy in the world.”