W3C Attracts 400K Students with Its HTML5 and CSS Courses

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) –the organization that makes the standard for HTML, CSS and web apps– has attracted 400,000 students in two years with its two signature courses on edX, HTML5 and CSS.

“The success of the W3Cx training programs underscores W3C’s commitment to creating high quality courses that specifically help Web developers to acquire or increase their skills,” said Dr. Jeff Jaffe, W3C CEO on APP Developer Magazine.

To mark its second anniversary year on edX, W3C will launch on 30 May its introductory-level course in JavaScript. This five-week long course, created in collaboration with University Cote d’Azur, will be run by acclaimed Professor Michal Buffa, who was nominated as one of the edX Prize best teachers in 2016. It is free to take, with a $99 verified certificate.

Additionally, W3C is launching a “Front-End Web Developer” Professional Certificate on edX, which consists of a suite of five W3Cx courses: JavaScript, HTML5 & CSS Fundamentals, CSS Basics, HTML5 Coding Essentials and Best Practices, and HTML5 Apps and Games: Advanced Techniques.

In the video below, Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the WWW and director of W3C, makes a pitch about the mentioned courses.