Ranking of the Most Popular Courses on Coursera and edX.org


The most successful online courses are related to technology or other Computer Science-based skills, followed by career advancement (“Successful Negotiation: Essential Strategies and Skills”, for example) and personal enrichment subjects. Missing are Liberal Arts classes (History, Art, Literature…).

These tendencies are also reflected in the world of paid online degrees, as shown by US News and World Report’s ranking.

Quartz.com has put together a list of the most popular courses right now on Coursera.org and edX.org.

1. Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects University of California, San Diego
2. Mastering Data Analysis in Excel Duke University
3. Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) University of Michigan
4. Machine Learning Stanford University
5. R Programming Johns Hopkins University
6. The Data Scientist’s Toolbox Johns Hopkins University
7. Tibetan Buddhist Meditation and the Modern World University of Virginia
8. An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Part 1) Rice University
9. Successful Negotiation: Essential Strategies and ‘Skills University of Michigan
10. Introduction to Financial Accounting University of Pennsylvania
11. Introduction to Public Speaking University of Washington
12. Programming Mobile Applications for Android Handheld Systems: Part 1 University of Maryland, College Park
13. Introduction to Marketing University of Pennsylvania
14. Grammar and Punctuation University of California, Irvine
15. Introduction to Corporate Finance University of Pennsylvania
16. Principles of Valuation: Time Value of Money University of Michigan
17. Chinese for Beginners Peking University
18. Introduction to Programming with MATLAB Vanderbilt University
19. Project Management: The Basics for Success University of California, Irvine
20. Introduction to Big Data University of California, San Diego
1. CS50 Harvard University
2. Introduction to Programming With Python Massachusetts Institute of Technology
3. Introduction to Linux Jerry Cooperstein
4. HTML5 World Wide Web Consortium
5. The Science of Happiness University of California, Berkeley