OpenAI Sets Up Five Levels to Track AI’s Progress

IBL News | New York

OpenAI set up a five-tiered classification system to track its progress towards AGI, that is, AI software capable of outperforming humans.

An OpenAI spokesperson told Bloomberg that the San Francisco–based research lab shared this new classification system with employees this month. Later, it will be shared with investors and others outside the organization.

These are the tiers:

Level 1: Chatbots, AI that can interact in conversational language with people

Level 2: Reasoners, human-level problem solving

Level 3: Agents, systems that can take actions like basic problem-solving tasks and humans with a doctorate-level education

Level 4: Innovators, AI that can aid in innovation

Level 5: Organizations, AI that can do the work of an organization

OpenAI executives told employees that the company believes it is currently on the first level but on the cusp of reaching the second.