France's FUN Open edX Platform Reaches One Million Students

France Université Numérique (FUN), the French Ministry of Higher Education’s Open edX-based MOOC platform, has reached one million students. “We have 991,311 users in 224 countries: 48% of users are in France, and 52% are outside of France (figures for January 2017); of the latter, most users come from Brazil and Morocco,” explained a FUN representative on Class Central.

This project, launched in July 2013 with the aim to support French universities and increase their visibility in the Francophone world, has attracted 99 institutions –including three universities in Belgium, one in Switzerland, and two in Tunisia– who have produced over 300 MOOCs.

The most popular courses are the following:

Higher education institution MOOC title Registration numbers
Le Cnam Du manager agile au leader designer 113357
Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) L’anglais pour tous – Spice up Your English 99693
L’Alliance française de Paris Cours de français langue étrangère A2 82067
Université Paris-Sud Introduction à la statistique avec R 47803
Institut Mines-Télécom Principes des réseaux de données 37676
Institut Mines-Télécom Fondamentaux pour le Big Data 36562
Inria Python : des fondamentaux à l’utilisation du langage 33268
Le Cnam Le droit des contrats de travail en France 31194
Groupe INSA Introduction à HTML5 – Animations et jeux 29319
Institut Mines-Télécom Innover et entreprendre dans un monde numérique 25380

(Graphic developed by Class Central.)

With 15 employees, all of the located in Paris, this platform gets its revenue through annual fees of universities, certificates from learners and custom services to partners such as dedicated SPOCs and white-label edX platforms.