Claude 3.5 Sonnet Becomes a Favorite AI Productivity Tool

IBL News | New York

Anthropic’s assistant Claude 3.5 Sonnet is having a significant impact on the enterprise AI market.

It’s currently enhancing workflows across industries by improving team collaboration and productivity.

Essentially, it centralizes knowledge and AI interactions in one accessible space.

Gen AI practitioners are sharing use cases developed with Claude 3.5’s Sonnet chatbot that weren’t possible with GPT-4o.

Also Claude 3.5’s artifacts can help teach.

Ethan Mollick, author and professor, showed how in a startup financing class created a compelling interactive simulation.

These are some other cases beyond the classroom:

• Website creation
• Sound effects generation
• Building Google Calendars
• Creating interactive books for children
• Simulations and visual demonstrations
• Creating learning dashboards