Anant Agarwal: How MOOCs Help the Skills Transformation Issue

Anant Agarwal, CEO at edX, has started to write a column on Forbes about the future of work and education. His first contribution explores how the skills transformation is impacting modern work and how MOOCs and online learning can solve the issue.

This is a summary of Mr. Agarwal’s main ideas:

  • “The job market is changing so rapidly that the skills needed to perform these jobs transform every few years, intensifying pressure on workers to learn continually and, in some cases, transition entirely into new and emerging fields.”


  • “Some of today’s most lucrative industries, such as data science, were invented less than 10 years ago. Advances in technology, automation, artificial intelligence and big data are revolutionizing every field and require refreshed skills at such an accelerated rate that traditional educational programs cannot keep up. Furthermore, jobs are becoming hybridized and require a mix of different skillsets.”


  • “There are more opportunities for keeping pace with skills transformation in the workplace than ever before: online and blended degree programs, coding bootcamps, online micro-credentials, massive open online courses (MOOCs) and more.”


Transferrable Learner Records on

On a separate note, although related to micro-credentials, has implemented a new feature to allow users to transfer their learner records on MicroMasters, Professional and Verified Certificate programs as a way to either pursue credit opportunities or showcase their knowledge to employers.  Accessing from the learner profile or learner’s record page is the only requirement.


ForbesHow Is The Skills Transformation Impacting Modern Work?
CNBC: How to Get Pay-Boosting Skills Without Going Broke