A Step-by-Step Handbook of How to Produce and Distribute Educational Video Content Under the Freest of Licenses

Peter B. Kaufman, founder of Intelligent Television, has launched MOOCs and Open Educational Resources: A Handbook for Educators”, a free PDF-booklet intended for university faculty, educators, and educational producers involved in producing online courses.

This guide is a step-by-step manual of how to produce and distribute educational video content under the freest of licenses, with an emphasis on Creative Commons.  Its structure follows the key stages of video course production, with analysis and support at its core dedicated to methods of keeping video content free throughout all stages of course pre-production, production, post-production, and distribution.

The handbook also provides some notes on the history of online course production and Open Courseware (OCW), and some thoughts about the future of educational video.

Peter Kaufman’s vision is based on achieving “a giant rich resource: a gigantic global encyclopedia, or Encyclopédie, or library or museum, contributing to universal access to human knowledge.”