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Google published a technical report this December stating that Gemini’s LearnLM outperformed other leading AI models when it comes to adhering to learning science principles.
This includes explaining concepts appropriately, providing effective hints and guidance, interactively guiding learners, and encouraging active engagement.
For example, when prompted to teach complex topics, LearnLM breaks content into chunks and uses guiding questions to encourage research instead of providing direct answers.
“LearnLM is better able to follow instructions, support learning goals, and adapt to learner’s abilities, with pedagogy experts and testers preferring results from LearnLM over other models,” said Google’s report.
LearnLM is Google’s AI models and capabilities that infuse learning science into Gemini, YouTube, and Classroom.
This tool for personalized learning is available for preview access as an experimental model in Google AI Studio. Google’s goal is to add more improvements to Gemini models.
Experts Libby Hills from the Jacobs Foundation and Owen Henkel from the University of Oxford discussed in a podcast how and why LearnLM was developed and what to expect next.