Hybrid learning –the one that blends face-to-face and online courses and uses technology to modify lessons based on the students’ progress– is forcing to rethink the model of teaching and learning. Its positive impact is even higher than MOOCs’.
In fact, an increasing number of experts are putting hybrid courses at the top of the list of innovations.
Examine, for example, this research: “The Innovative University: What College Presidents Think About Change in American Higher Education“. 81 percent of 349 presidents of public and private not-for-profit colleges and universities interviewed feel enthusiastic about mentioned blended learning experiences.
This report, sponsored by Blackboard and The Chronicle of Higher Education, “emphasizes that schools of all types and leaders at all levels are being forced to reevaluate what it means to be relevant. We need a re-imagined educational experience that directly connects learners to success,” said Jay Bhatt, CEO of Blackboard.