Open edX Platforms with MathJax Urged to Upgrade into Ficus 3 By April 30

Open edX platforms using MathJax have been encouraged to immediately upgrade into Ficus.3, a urgent release to address the fact that the MathJax library will discontinued at the end of April.

Ned Batchelder, a top edX engineer, wrote the following on the edX groups on April 21:


Today we released Ficus.3, the third release of the Ficus release line of Open edX.  This release has an important fix for MathJax, and a few minor fixes, detailed in the release notes:
  • MathJax announced that its distribution point for the MathJax library will be shutting down at the end of April. MathJax is now loaded from cdnjs instead.
  • In edx-platform, Django was upgraded from 1.8.17 to 1.8.18.
  • The Analytics applications, including the analytics devstack, have been updated for Ubuntu 16.04.
  • To address a connection pooling issue in Ubuntu 16.04, we’ve changed how we launch new gunicorn web server processes.
If you are using MathJax in your courses, you need to install Ficus.3 before the end of April.
If you have questions, Slack or the openedx-ops mailing list ( are the best venues.