43 Percent of Learners Say that Their edX Certificates Resulted in Career Advancement

43 percent of learners who got a certificate in professional development related courses on edX.org experienced an advance in their careers in the form of a raise in compensation, promotion or new job. Also, 47 percent posted their credentials on Linkedin.

Anant Agarwal, CEO of edX, disclosed these data – which came from a survey – during his keynote address at the Open edX conference in Madrid celebrated on May 24-25.

Talking about the education of the future, Mr. Agarwal said that tomorrow’s learning will be digital:

  • On demand. It fits into busy lifestyles.
  • Connected. Social, Peer recommended, Global.
  • Personalized. Experiential, Fun, Self-directed.
  • Mobile. Learn on-the-go.
  • Flexible. Anywhere, anytime.